Q. MeetForLunch.com looks like a lot of fun. How do I get started? |
A. It takes just a couple of minutes to register at MeetForLunch.com, where you can browse lunch invitations, search for an ideal lunch partner based on your interests, or create a lunch invitation of your own.
Q. There must be some hidden cost, right? |
A. No. Except for the cost of the meal at the restaurant of your choice MeetForLunch.com is 100% free!
Q. How can you afford to offer this service? |
A. MeetForLunch.com continues to partner up with hundreds of excellent dining establishments to provide a safe and comfortable experience for singles in all major cities across the U.S.
Q. How do I know I'll like the person I meet for a lunch date? |
A. The MeetForLunch.com search engine allows you to search for qualified singles based on your age group, and the following criteria: political interest, sports, arts, music, literature, technology, etc... so the odds are in your favor.
Q. I want to start off slow, and maybe just meet a friend, or someone to go to baseball games with... |
A. No problem. MeetForLunch.com sorts qualified singles according to their choice of a casual lunch meeting, a business lunch meeting, or a lunch date, so the intentions of both parties are clear before you ever meet.
Q. I'm a single guy (or single gal), looking for a lunch partner of the same gender. |
A. Great! MeetForLunch.com allows singles to search for lunch partners in your own gender group, or of the opposite gender. MeetForLunch.com even allows you to set up a lunch date with a couple!
Q. How safe is MeetForLunch.com? |
A. Other than your username and search criteria (interests, age, and gender), MeetForLunch.com will never reveal personal information about you to anyone. MeetForLunch.com suggests that you exercise common sense when sharing personal information about yourself on your dates, and to take the same safety precautions you would always take when meeting someone for the first or second time.
Q. How Do I Create or Edit My FREE Profile? |
A. Simply navigate to "My Profile" page using Top Navigation Bar.
Members are required to be Logged In while performing this function.
Q. How Do I Create, Edit and Post Lunch Invitations? |
A. Creating and posting Lunch Invitations is effortless. Using the Top Navigation Bar, direct your browser to "Lunch Invitations" page, edit your Invitation parameters and "Save". You are done! - It's that easy!
Members are required to be Logged In while performing this function.
Q. What is a Private Invitation? |
A. Members create Private Lunch Invitations exclusively for invitees. Private Invitations never appear in any Search Results. Members who Private Invitations are addressed to may view them from Messages Page. Please read the next question for more information.
Q. How Do I Know That Someone Responded to My Invitation? |
A. You will receive a MeetForLunch.com message. An email notification will be sent to the Member's registered email account advising to check Member's messages at MeetForLunch.com. Users of free Email services such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, MSN AOL, etc… should check their mail programs to place domain MeetForLunch.com on their "White List" to mark it Spam-Free.
Q. How Do I Respond to an Invitation? |
A. Once you identify the Lunch Invitation of your preference simply click on "Send a Reply" from Invitation Details Page.
Members are required to be Logged In while performing this function.
Q. How Do I Send a Message to Another Member? |
A. Search for a Member using Site's Search pages. From the located Member's Profile page, click on "Send a Message".
Members are required to be Logged In while performing this function.
Q. How Do I Check My Messages? |
A. Using the Top Navigation Bar, navigate your browser to "Messages" page. "Messages" Button will turn Red once you receive new mail. The rest is clear and self-explanatory. Users of free Email services such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, MSN AOL, etc… should check their mail programs to place domain MeetForLunch.com on their "White List" to mark it Spam-Free.
Members are required to be Logged In while performing this function.
Q. How Do I Find a Member? |
A. Using the Top Navigation Bar, point your browser to "Search/Look up Member" page. Enter Zip Code and Email Address of a Member you wish to locate and hit "Find"
Members are required to be Logged In while performing this function.
Q. My Questions Have Not Been Answered! What Do I Do Now? |
A. Feel free to Contact Us with any questions at any time. We'll gladly assist.